City of The Hague working with DDC

Rotterdam, 27th June 2024
There has been excellent coverage at Omroep West (Dutch) on how local authorities of Gemeente Den Haag (City of The Hague) work with professional drone operator DDC - Smart Inspections to perform building inspections. During this pilot, a drone sends live video streams to an online team, facilitating fast and efficient ways to inspect things like overdue maintenance and illegal extensions or roof terrace builds.
One key advantage of this system is the independence it provides to the inspectors. They are free of lengthy planning schedules or the availability of tenants or homeowners. This independence, coupled with the detailed pictures of structural defaults made at the inspectors' request, ensures a swift and efficient inspection process.
It's a great example of people with different expertise from commercial and governmental backgrounds successfully cooperating, pushing innovation, complying with limitations like flying in CTR and respecting people's privacy.
See the whole video, starting at 5:44.
Could this be an inspiring example for other municipalities part of VNG (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten) to consider? This successful collaboration could pave the way for more efficient and effective building inspections across the country.